Members Only

Members Only

Once logged in, users are directed here.

Preface: The Conference of Southwest Foundations is a close family of grantmakers serving as a strong voice for philanthropy in the Southwest. We provide engagement opportunities, services and support to inspire our members and enhance their ability to fulfill their charitable missions.


Main: Member dashboard as generated by integration w/ Salesforce. Committee/Affinity Groups and recent group content appears in sidebar second.

For a complete list of all CSF Member Foundations, view the CSF Membership Directory (link to directory) or search for a member. (link to search database)

Many items in the CSF Knowledgebase are exclusively avialable to CSF Members , click here. (link to search knowledgebase)

To access data associated with CSF's Giving Study, click here. (link to page with spreadsheets)


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We are a vibrant network of funders committed to a thriving Southwestern U.S. through the power of philanthropy.
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