The Catholic Foundation Names First Female Board Chair

The Catholic Foundation Names First Female Board Chair

Member News
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Catholic Foundation has announced that Vicky P. Lattner will serve as chair of its Board of Trustees beginning in 2015. The current chairman, Tom Codd, Jr., will maintain a position on the board as Chairman Emeritus.

A trustee since 2009, Lattner has served on the distribution, audit & administration, and development committees. She chaired the development committee in 2013. She is also a member of The Catholic Foundation’s Legacy Circle, which honors those who have made long-term commitments to the Foundation.

“The Catholic Foundation appreciates Vicky Lattner’s continued dedication to the Foundation and its mission over the years. As a community leader, life-time volunteer and Catholic Foundation donor, she brings unique and highly-valued expertise to her new role,” said Matt Kramer, president and CEO of The Catholic Foundation. “We are confident The Catholic Foundation will continue to experience great success under her leadership.”

Lattner plans to focus her term on growing the size of The Catholic Foundation in terms of assets, donors and needs met in the community.

“The gentlemen that founded The Catholic Foundation in 1955 were forward thinkers that established a new way for our Catholic community to give back. Today, the knowledge and expertise of Foundation staff offers donors the best giving vehicles for their charitable giving and provides our local Catholic community with funds to meet urgent needs, so it’s a win for everyone,” said Lattner. “I’m honored to lead the Foundation over the next few years with the values it was founded on and the drive for continued success.”

Lattner brings extensive professional and nonprofit experience to her role as chair. She earned an MBA from Southern Methodist University, practiced as a CPA for public accounting for eight years, and served as CFO for Southwest Media for ten years. She currently serves on the Board of Ursuline Academy of Dallas. She has both led and volunteered for an extensive list of nonprofit organizations, some of which include American Red Heart Association, Boys and Girls Club of Dallas, Celebrating Women, Crystal Charity Ball, The Dallas Symphony and Equest. Vicky and her husband Doug Lattner are members at Christ the King Catholic Parish. She is the first female chair in the Foundation’s nearly 60-year history.

Chartered in 1955, The Catholic Foundation was founded by a group of dedicated Catholic laymen with a vision that extended far beyond the charitable needs of the moment. This independent, nonprofit corporation has dedicated its resources to compassionate charitable giving through grants provided by benefactors through its many planned giving programs. Over the years, the Foundation has provided more than $85 million to meet the needs of the local Catholic community through grants to various religious, educational and charitable organizations. For additional information about The Catholic Foundation, call 972.661.9792 or visit

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