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The American Dream Prosperity Index
January 2023
Member News
Prosper Waco has received a $1 million grant from the Rapoport Foundation to kick off a pilot program focused on helping local high school students successfully transition to college.
January 26, 2015
Member News
Inasmuch Foundation (Oklahoma CIty, OK) recently awarded $5.79 million in grants to 28 organizations, all serving Oklahoma communities. The grants include more than $1 million to KIPP Reach to expand and grow a five-school model serving over 2,500 students per year. Another $500,000 was awarded to the Kiwanis Special Activities Fund to replace the old Carver Mark Twain Head Start building with a birth-to-school continuum campus next door to the newly renovated Mark Twain Elementary.
November 14, 2014
Member News
Through a more than $1.3 million donation, ORIX Foundation (Dallas) has given money to 82 North Texas nonprofits in an effort to help children at risk, families in poverty and veterans.
November 14, 2014
Member News

On April 30, the Mary E. Bivins Foundation awarded $145,000 in scholarships to 21 area students. The scholarships are granted to students who meet the program criteria and are seeking a degree that prepares them to preach the Christian religion....

June 15, 2014


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